About Us People A-Z
Karla Alvarado Romero, M.A.
LGF Doctoral Fellow
Dr. Héctor Álvarez Mella
Research Associate OSE, HCIAS Publications
Dr. Katrin Berty
HCIAS Managing Director
Charlotte Blattner, M.A.
Doctoral fellow of the Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes, International Academic Programs
Dr. Adriana Cruz Rubio
Research Associate, International Academic Programs
Jun.-Prof. Dr. Alejandro Ecker
HCIAS Junior Professor of “Politics and Communication in Ibero-America”
Rosa Ferreiro Castiñeira, M.A.
Research Associate, Center for Galician Studies
Prof. Dr. Robert Folger
HCIAS Joint Professor
Cooperation: Faculty of Modern Languages, Department of Romance Studies
Cooperation: Faculty of Modern Languages, Department of Romance Studies
Ana Gómez-Pavón Durán, M.A.
LGF Doctoral Fellow
Prof. Dr. Sybille Große
HCIAS Joint Professor
Cooperation: Faculty of Modern Languages, Department of Romance Studies
Cooperation: Faculty of Modern Languages, Department of Romance Studies
Jun.-Prof. Dr. Yaatsil Guevara González
HCIAS Junior Professor of “Migration and the Americas”
Celia Hernández Pérez, M.A.
LGF Doctoral Fellow
Rafael Hernández Westpfahl, M.A.
LGF Doctoral Fellow
Alejandra Irigoyen, M.Sc.
Research Associate, Project PCG
Prof. Dr. Nikolas Jaspert
HCIAS Joint Professor
Cooperation: Faculty of Philosophy, Department of History
Cooperation: Faculty of Philosophy, Department of History
Bianca Johnson
HCIAS Office
Jun.-Prof. Dr. Rosa Lehmann
HCIAS Junior Professor of “Innovation and Sustainability in Ibero-America”
Prof. Dr. Óscar Loureda
HCIAS Professor of “Ibero-American Linguistics, Communication and Translation Studies”
Marcial Marín, M.A.
Doctoral Researcher
Anthony Meluso, M.A.
Doctoral Researcher
Natalia Messer Molina, M.A.
LGF Doctoral Fellow
Prof. Dr. Francisco Moreno-Fernández
Alexander von Humboldt-Professor
HCIAS Professor of “Ibero-American Linguistic, Cultural and Social Studies”
HCIAS Professor of “Ibero-American Linguistic, Cultural and Social Studies”
Prof. Dr. Renata Motta
HCIAS Professor of “Society, Culture, and Communication in Ibero-America”, Project Leader Food for Justice
Elena Marina Müller, M.A.
Doctoral Researcher, CRC
Dr. Judith Müller
Postdoctoral Researcher, Food for Justice
Marian Orjuela, M.Sc.
LGF Doctoral Fellow
Luis Rodrigo Pesce Villagómez, M.A.
Doctoral Fellow of the Mexican National Council for Humanities, Sciences and Technology (CONAHCYT)
Dr. Birgit Peuker
Postdoctoral Researcher, Food for Justice
Dr. Marília Pinheiro Pereira
Fellow, Programa Leitorado Para Instituição Universitária Estrangeira
Jun.-Prof. Dr. Pablo Porten-Cheé
HCIAS Junior Professor of “Communication Studies and Information Society in Ibero-America”
Dr. Mariana V. Ramirez Bustamante
Research Associate JuTSy
Dr. Vanesa Rodríguez Tembrás
Research Associate, Center for Galician Studies
Alejandra Rojas
HCIAS Office / Food for Justice
Martha Rudka, M.A.
HCIAS Academic Program Coordination
Alba Segura Lores, M.A.
DAAD Doctoral Fellow
Eryka Silva Galindo, M.A.
Research Associate, Food for Justice
Maren Stolzmann
HCIAS Office
Dr. Marco Antonio Teixeira
Research Associate, Project Leader Food for Justice
Mathis Teucher, M.A.
Research Associate, International Academic Programs
Eduardo Tinajero, M.A.
Doctoral Researcher
Dr. Pilar Valero
Research Associate, OSE
Jana Weckesser, M.Ed.
Doctoral Researcher
Lea Zentgraf, M.A.
Research Associate, Food for Justice
Anne Cathrin Ziegler, M.A.
Doctoral Researcher, CRC Home(s)
Visiting Scholars
HCIAS Student Research Assistants
Elena Brandão Mecker
Emily Maria Burkhart
David Chapman, M.A.
Mariel Elizondo Romo, M.A.
Maria Paula Feliciano Acero, B.A.
Francisca Fernanda Flores Galaz, B.A.
Karina Hidalgo Beltran, B.A.
Alisa Lara Kegel, B.Sc.
Chiara Klormann, B.A.
Magnus Mangold, B.Sc.
María Manzanares Clemente, B.A.
María Montes Pineros, B.A.
Carolina Muñoz Sepúlveda, B.A.
Elia Pedrosa Vidal, B.A.
Carla Rossmann, B.Sc.
Maren Schulz, B.A.
Dorian Scheufler, B.A.
Sheryl Riya Thomas, M.A.
HCIAS Collaborating Researchers
Former HCIAS Professors, Research Associates, and Visiting Scholars
Dr. Soledad Alvarez Velasco
Former Junior Professor of Migration and the Americas, 2021-2022
Dr. Estela Calero Hernández
Former Research Associate
Lucía Criado Torres, M.A.
Former Visiting Doctoral Researcher
Michael Imre, M.A.
Former Research Associate, DFG Project “Intra-Party Politics and Multiparty Governments”
Dr. Andrew Lynch
Former Visiting Scholar
Júlia Mascarello, M.A.
Former Visiting Doctoral Researcher & CAPES – Programa de Doutorado Sanduíche (PDSE) Scholarship Holder
Pablo Pamplona, M.A.
Former Visiting Doctoral Researcher & German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) Scholarship Holder
Iván Regueiro Barreiro
Former Instructor, Center for Galician Studies
Laís Siqueira Ribeiro Cavalcante, M.A.
CAPES – Programa de Doutorado Sanduíche (PDSE) Scholarship Holder
Dr. Claudia Job Schmitt
Former Visiting Scholar
Dr. Maria Trombini
Former Research Associate