Elena Marina Müller
Elena is a research associate in CRC sub-project B05 “Space and Belonging in Socio-Ecological Conflicts over Land and Resources in Mexico” and is currently pursuing her doctorate at the University of Heidelberg under the supervision of Jun.-Prof. Rosa Lehmann. She holds a Bachelor's degree in Romance Languages and Cultural Studies from Humboldt University Berlin and a Master's degree in Interdisciplinary Latin American Studies from Freie Universität Berlin with a focus on transformations.
After her studies, she completed a postgraduate program at Humboldt University on international cooperation for sustainable development at the Seminar for Rural Development (SLE). Her research has included the social and environmental impacts of ecotourism in Colombia and the “Tren Maya” region in Mexico. Most recently, she conducted an assessment of the sustainability of the cashew value chain at the production level in Mozambique.

Elena's research focuses on ecological and social redistribution processes related to the use of space and resources in South America, particularly in Mexico.
Elena Marina Müller
Heidelberg Center for Ibero-American Studies | HCIAS
Brunnengasse 1 69117, Heidelberg
Tel.: +49 (0)6221 54-19325
Email: e.mueller(at)sfb1671.uni-heidelberg.de