
Cooperation at Heidelberg University
Within Heidelberg University, the HCIAS partners with different faculties, institutes, departments, and centers of the humanities, the social sciences, and the environmental sciences. The goal of this intra-university collaboration is to develop interdisciplinary research projects and academic programs that allow us to successfully transfer knowledge on issues which are of particular relevance for the macro-region of Ibero-America.
Cooperation with the HCLA
The HCIAS is expanding its collaboration in research, teaching, and knowledge transfer with leading universities and research institutes in Latin America essentially through structural cooperation with the University’s offshore campus in Santiago de Chile, the Heidelberg Center Latin America (HCLA). The HCLA was founded in 2002 as the first and only postgraduate center of a German university in Latin America and organizes and coordinates master's, doctoral, and diploma programs, which are offered in partnership with prestigious Latin American universities. HCLA and HCIAS together are building a bridge to promote academic dialog between Latin America and Heidelberg and to create sustainable international networks that enable excellent joint research, teaching, and transfer of knowledge on, with, and in Ibero-America.

Cooperation with Ibero-America
With the goal to build structures for research, teaching, and knowledge transfer at Heidelberg University that focus on the social, cultural, and linguistic complexity of the macro-region of Ibero-America, the HCIAS is establishing networks for interdisciplinary cooperation with partners not only within the university, but also abroad. HCIAS international profile is oriented towards project-related cooperation with domestic and international universities, cooperation with non-university institutions and organizations, and membership in institutionalized networks. The HCIAS also collaborates with non-university partners in networks that promote both academic and cultural dialogue with specific areas of this macro-region like Brazil or Galicia.
Instituto Cervantes
In conjunction with the Instituto Cervantes and coordinated by the HCIAS and ZSL, Heidelberg University is implementing activities in not only the research on and teaching of, but also the transfer of knowledge pertaining to the languages and cultures of Spain and Latin America.
Rede de Centros de Estudos Galegos
Through the international network of the Galicia Centers, funded by the regional government of Galicia in Spain, the Centro de Estudos Galegos (CEG) at the HCIAS is dedicated to developing knowledge of Galician-speaking regions and imparting Galician language and culture.
Instituto Guimarães Rosa
The teaching of and research on Brazilian Portuguese, literature and culture at Heidelberg University is strengthened by a fellowship corresponding to the program „Instituto Guimarães Rosa“ of the Brazilian Ministry for foreign affairs. At Heidelberg, the fellowship is integrated into the Leitorado Brasileiro, one of the 30 seats of the Guimarães Rosa Institute worldwide. The Leitorado Brasileiro is affiliated with the Heidelberg Center for Ibero-American Studies (HCIAS).