Eduardo Tinajero
Eduardo Tinajero is a doctoral researcher at the HCIAS and the Faculty of Modern Languages and a member of the HCIAS Doctoral Research Group “Communication and Society in Ibero-America”. His doctoral project ‘Operation Lone Star: necropolitical dispositif at the Mexico-Texas border - Discourse, (necro)power, and ideology' is supervised by Prof. Dr. Francisco Moreno-Fernández and Jun.-Prof. Dr. Yaatsil Guevara González.
Eduardo is an applied linguist and English language teacher, having held teaching positions in the US, Mexico, Vietnam, Cambodia, and Germany. He is primarily interested in the exercise of power through discourse, as well as how hegemonic discourses (re)produce common-sense beliefs and practices. In his master's dissertation at the University of Leicester, he investigated the discursive construction of migrants in political documents from the Office of the Texas Governor in which migrants are constructed as enemies of the state through recontextualization and intertextuality.
Working within the Critical Discourse Studies paradigm, his current multimodal research project focuses on discursive, non-discursive, and necropolitical practices at the Mexico-Texas border.