HCIAS professors lead two projects in the new CRC 1671 'Home(s)'
Prof. Dr. Renata Motta and Jun.-Prof. Dr. Rosa Lehmann participate as PIs in the new humanities and social sciences Collaborative Research Center CRC 1671 Home(s): Phenomena, Practices, Representations funded by the German Research Foundation DFG for a first period of 4 years (2024-2028). The CRC 1671, in which seven faculties of Heidelberg University are involved, will examine the historical and global relevance of the current and controversial phenomenon of “Heimat”. In 24 subprojects, the CRC will analyze concepts and practices deriving from natural environment and sociocultural interconnectedness in different social, medial and cultural contexts.
HCIAS Jun.-Prof. Dr. Rosa Lehmann will participate in the new CRC 1671 with the subproject B05 “Space and Belonging in Socio-Ecological Conflicts over Land and Natural Resources in Mexico”, which analyzes the strategic formulation of identity and belonging to a particular space, as well as the role of these constructions in the political struggles over land and natural resources in the context of climate and energy policies.

HCIAS Prof. Dr. Renata Motta will lead the subproject B07 “Kitchen and garden. Homemaking practices of Latin American activists”. The project will explore how such practices contribute to shaping the territories that activists fight for, as utopian, future-oriented homes.