Dr. Gerhard Ott Prize of Heidelberg University for Dr. Shima Salameh Jiménez

Dr. Shima Salameh Jiménez (Universidad de Castellón and Universidad Católica de Valencia) has been awarded the Gerhard Ott Prize from Heidelberg University for her dissertation “Reformulación y categorías vecinas: un tratamiento teórico y experimental a través del marcador discursivo o sea en espanol” (Faculty of Modern Languages). The linguistic thesis was written as part of the international Cotutelle doctoral program (Heidelberg University/Universidad de Valencia, Spain) and was supervised in Heidelberg by Prof. Dr. Óscar Loureda as part of the research group Discourse Particles and Cognition. Publication: Salameh Jiménez, Shima (2021): Reframing Reformulation: A Theoretical-Experimental Approach. Evidence from the Spanish Discourse Marker “o sea”. Frankurt a.M.: Peter Lang