Academic cooperation projects with the HCLA and the IÜD
Within Heidelberg University, the HCIAS collaborates with various faculties, institutes, departments, and centers in the humanities, social, and environmental sciences. There are several academic teaching projects with the Heidelberg Center Latin America (HCLA) and the Institute for Translation and Interpreting (IÜD), funded by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD).
International education course in public communication
Since the summer semester of 2023, the HCIAS has participated in an international education course in public communication (the Diplomado Internacional en Comunicación Pública), as part of a DAAD-funded project to establish transnational educational partnerships at the Heidelberg Center Latin America in Santiago de Chile (HCLA). This online course is aimed at interested graduates and professionals from the fields of communication, social sciences, and the humanities. It teaches new skills in the management of public communication in multilingual and multicultural contexts. The course is taught by HCIAS scholars together with researchers from the Facultad de Comunicación e Imagen of the Universidad de Chile.
CS@Ibero-America und CS@Ibero-America_PLUS
The digital education projects CS@Ibero-America and CS@Ibero-America_PLUS aim at the sustainable use of digital media to promote intercultural competencies among students and teachers. The two consecutive projects focus on the conception and implementation of location-independent courses, workshops, and further education courses in the field of digital media and their safeguarding for sustainable use. Both projects were funded by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) in the International Virtual Academic Collaboration (IVAC) funding line.
CS@Ibero-America and CS@Ibero-America_PLUS are cooperation projects between the HCIAS and the HCLA in Santiago de Chile, Heidelberg University's campus in Latin America. The virtual teaching program was carried out in conjunction with the projects’ international cooperation partners: the Universidad de Chile, the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile and, in CS@Ibero-America_PLUS, additionally with the Universidad de Salamanca (Spain).
During the funding phase of the CS@Ibero-America project (2020-2022), the online course “Gestión de la comunicación social e intercultural” (Social and Intercultural Communication Management) was designed and implemented together with lecturers from the Chilean partner universities. The course offer was aimed at students from the three participating universities: students of the master's program Communication and Society in Ibero-America at the HCIAS, students in the double degree course “Fachübersetzen und Übersetzungstechnologien” at Heidelberg University and the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, and students in the master's program Comunicación Social at the Universidad de Chile. The course ended with a hybrid closing event at the HCLA in Santiago de Chile, for which students from Heidelberg were supported with DAAD scholarships to attend the event in person.
During the funding phase of the CS@Ibero-America_PLUS project (2022-2023), the virtual academic cooperation was expanded to include the Universidad de Salamanca as a project partner. The new project partner supplemented the course on Social and Intercultural Communication Management with their expertise, and the target group was extended to students in the joint double degree course “Fachübersetzen und Kulturmittlung”. Renowned experts in the field of intercultural communication organized masterclasses in the form of online lectures, and application-oriented workshops were offered to promote professional skills.
Double Degree Courses
The HCIAS and the HCLA cooperate with the IÜD in the implementation of two double degree courses in the field of translation studies, funded by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD). The IÜD’s master's program “Fachübersetzen und Kulturmittlung" is run jointly with the Facultad de Traducción y Documentación at the Universidad de Salamanca (Spain). This program develops highly qualified students in the field of specialist translation by combining a sensitive approach to new media and information technologies with a focus on strategies for the successful use of intercultural skills. In the joint double degree program “Fachübersetzen und Übersetzungstechnologien” offered with the Facultad de Letras of the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, master's students can study specialized translation as well as translation technologies and technological perspectives on translation practice. Both courses strengthen the international and intercultural profile of students in translation studies, who spend one year at each participating institution.