Mariana V. Ramirez Bustamante

HCIAS Research Associate

Dr. Mariana V. Ramírez Bustamante is a political scientist with a PhD from Vanderbilt University, where she specialized in Comparative Politics and Political Methodology. At Vanderbilt, she was a Graduate Research Affiliate in the LAPOP Lab. She studied political science and administration at the Pontifical Catholic University of Peru (B.A.), Political Science (M.A.) at Vanderbilt University, and Latin American Studies (M.A.) at Salamanca University. In May 2024, she completed her dissertation, which explored the relationship between organized crime and popular political behavior in Latin America. For this research, she used a mix of methods, including experiments, surveys, observational data, in-depth interviews, and focus groups. Mariana joined the HCIAS team in 2024 as a postdoctoral researcher, contributing to the Justice in Transitions to Sustainability project.

Personal website 

Mariana Ramirez Bustamenta

Research in Progress

  • “Electoral Support for Candidates Involved in Drug Trafficking: Experimental Evidence from Peru.” (Job market paper)
  • “How Do Drug Trafficking Organizations Shape Political Attitudes?” (Working paper)
  • “How Poll Worker Attendance Affects Elections: Evidence from Peru.” With Mollie Cohen (In progress).
  • Who should we believe? (Mis)match between elites’ and ordinary people’s perspectives on in-depth interviews (Working paper)

Selected Publications


  • Social Media Disruption: Messaging Mistrust in Latin America (with Lupu, N. and Zechmeister, E. J.), Journal of Democracy 31(3): 160-171 (2020).
  • “Escenarios locales de irregularidad electoral en Perú: Trashumancia electoral en las elecciones locales de 2014 y 2018” (with Corvetto, P.), Democracia Actual 3:138-161 (2019).
  • “Trashumancia electoral en las elecciones subnacionales de 2018 en Perú: Mecanismos para garantizar la integridad del padrón” (with Corvetto, P.), Revista Académica del RENIEC Nombres 4(1): 29-65 (2017/18).
  • “Escenarios de trashumancia electoral local: Un análisis a partir de las Elecciones Municipales de 2014 en Perú” (with Corvetto, P.), Revista Académica del RENIEC Nombres 3(1): 174-209 (2016).
  • “Actores y escenarios como determinantes claves de la política de drogas en el Perú. El caso de la implementación del control de hoja de coca en el valle del Monzón 2010-2015” (with Casas, F.) Revista de Ciencia Política y Gobierno 4(7): 33-57 (2017).
  • “Revocatoria de mandato subnacional en ciudades grandes de América del Sur: Lima Metropolitana (2013) en perspectiva comparada.” Revista de Ciencia Política y Gobierno 3(6): 175-206 (2016).


Dr. Mariana V. Ramírez BUstamante

Heidelberg Center for Ibero-American Studies | HCIAS
Brunnengasse 1 69117, Heidelberg

Email: mariana.ramirezb(at)

Visiting address:
Bergheimer Straße 58a, 69115 Heidelberg
Room 109 (4311.01.109)