About Us Lucía Criado Torres
Visiting Scholar
Lucía holds a degree in Hispanic Philology from the University of Granada, where she also completed a Master’s Degree in Teaching and Education and a Master’s Degree in the Teaching of Spanish as a Foreign Language, centered on language, culture, and overall methodology, including the production of didactic materials and academic research.
She has more than ten years of professional experience teaching Spanish, in both Spain and Italy, to students from all over the world, from adults and children, to immigrants and refugees. In addition, she has undertaken a key role in various programs for the training and tutoring of new teachers.
She is a member of the University of Granada projects “Agenda 2050. El español de Granada: procesos de variación y cambios espaciales y sociales” and “Universidad y sociedad: un proyecto de etnografía lingüística para el Museo Casa Alpujarreña de Bubión”, and has additionally collaborated in the project “FEMENDATA. Datificación y análisis de las políticas de igualdad y bibliodiversidad en el sector del libro independiente iberoamericano”, also at the University of Granada.
Lucía’s doctoral project “Actitudes lingüísticas de profesores de Español como Lengua Extranjera andaluces hacia las variedades del español y hacia su propia variedad” studies linguistic attitudes towards Spanish language varieties in teachers of Spanish as a Foreign Language, with a particular focus on the Andalusian variety, placing her research within the field of critical sociolinguistics. Her research stay at the HCIAS is supervised by HCIAS Prof. Dr. Francisco Moreno-Fernández.