Dr. Estela Calero Hernández

Research Associate

Estela Calero Hernández studied Spanish Philology (BA) and Spanish as a Second Language (MA) at the Universidad Complutense de Madrid (Spain). As a doctoral student, she was a visiting researcher at the Instituto Cervantes at Harvard University (Cambridge, Massachusetts) in the fall of 2017. Estela completed her Ph.D. in 2021 at Universidad Complutense with a thesis on the linguistic attitudes of the Hispanic population of New England (USA). She has previously researched and taught at the Universidad de Extremadura (Spain) before joining the HCIAS team this fall as a postdoctoral visiting fellow.

Research Profile

Estela Calero Hernández’s research interests focus on the sociolinguistics and the dialectology of Spanish, as well as on the historiography of publications in Spanish, especially in the United States. Throughout her sociolinguistic studies, she examines the social and linguistic peculiarities of Spanish speakers in the United States, both those who migrated to the country and those considered heritage Spanish speakers, born in the USA. From the perspective of historiography and biographical studies, Estela also explores the evolution of publications dedicated to the Spanish spoken in the United States and delves into the lives of its authors through their biographies.


Research in Progress

  • Research project CORPEEU: “Corpus del español en los Estados Unidos”. A corpus of the spoken and written Spanish language that has been documented in the US since 1960, with samples classified according to the geographical and social origin of the speakers, the date the samples were produced, and the styles, genres, and contexts of the Spanish speaking community in the US. This project was initiated by the Instituto Cervantes’ Observatory of the Spanish Language and Hispanic Cultures at Harvard University, in collaboration with the North American Academy of the Spanish Language (ANLE), and since 2020 is being mainly developed at the HCIAS.
  • Research project LiBSUS: “Linguistic Bibliography of Spanish in the United States”. A database with bibliographic information about all books, academic articles, book chapters, and doctoral dissertations related to the study of the Spanish language in the United States. This database is a result of collaboration between the Instituto Cervantes’ Observatory of the Spanish Language and Hispanic Cultures at Harvard University and the ANLE.
  • Research project Biblioteca Virtual de la Filología Española (BVFE): a bibliographic directory of dictionaries, grammars, books on the history of the Spanish language, orthography, prosody, metrics, dialogues, etc. The BVFE aims to give users an easy and unique method to access past works that can be searched and freely accessed in digital format on the web, although they are spread over many different sites. The project, based at the Universidad Complutense de Madrid, is currently in its IV phase of development, funded by the Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades of the Government of Spain.



  • Calero Hernández, E. (2022). Bio-bibliographical entries with the description of the life and publications of authors whose works are in the Biblioteca Virtual de la Filología Española. In Alvar Ezquerra, M. (dir.) Biblioteca Virtual de la Filología Española (BVFE): directorio bibliográfico de gramáticas, diccionarios, obras de ortografía, ortología, prosodia, métrica, diálogos e historia de la lengua. Online.  
  • Calero Hernández, E. (2021). Los métodos de enseñanza de español publicados en Massachusetts (Estados Unidos) en el siglo XIX. In RAHL, Revista argentina de historiografía lingüística, vol. 13, n. 2, 117-129.
  • Calero Hernández, E.; Fernández de Gobeo Díaz de Durana, N. and Peña Arce, J. (2019). La Biblioteca Virtual de la Filología Española y la digitalización de obras complutenses. In Menéndez de la Cuesta González, A. (ed.). Encuentros digitales: escrituras, colecciones, aprendizajes en español / Encontros digitais: escritas, colecçoes, aprendizagem em portuguê. Madrid: Fundación BBVA, 150-176.
  • Calero Hernandez, E. (2018). La enseñanza de español a los hablantes de herencia en EE. UU. In Cabanilles Gomar, J. P. et al (eds.) Jóvenes plumas del Hispanismo. Nuevos retos y enfoques de la investigación filológica. Madrid: Ediciones de la Universidad Complutense / Fundación Ramón Menéndez Pidal, 167-185.
  • Calero Hernández, E. (2017). La discriminación lingüística de los hispanohablantes en Estados Unidos. In Fernández Rodríguez, M.; Prado Rubio, E. and Martínez Peñas, L. (coords.) Estudios sobre Derechos Humanos. Valladolid (Spain): Omnia Mutantur S. L., 9-39.
  • Calero Hernández, E. (2017). La imagen de los hispanos en la industria televisiva y cineasta de los Estados Unidos. In Ramos, F. (ed.) Proceedings of the III International Colloquium on Languages, Culture, Identity, in Schools and Society, Loyola Marymount University Los Angeles. Vol. 3. Digital Commons of Loyola Marymount University Los Angeles, 57-64.


Dr. Estela Calero Hernández

Heidelberg Center for Ibero-American Studies - HCIAS
Brunnengasse 1 69117, Heidelberg
Email: estela.calero(at)uni-heidelberg.de