About Us Claudia Job Schmitt
Visiting Scholar
Dr. Claudia Job Schmitt is a sociologist interested in agroecology, social movements, science and technology studies, state-society interactions in public policies, and social-ecological transformations in agriculture and the food system. She holds a Ph.D. and a master’s degree in sociology from the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS), Brazil. Claudia works as an associate professor for the graduate program in Social Sciences in Development, Agriculture, and Society at the Federal Rural University of Rio de Janeiro (CPDA/UFRRJ), and is also a member of the research team of the Observatory of Public Policies for Agriculture (OPPA). She has acted as an advisor and consultant to non-governmental, governmental, and multilateral organizations on issues related to formulating and implementing public policies for family farming, agroecology, food sovereignty and security, and sustainability.
At the HCIAS, she is a guest researcher in collaboration with the Junior Research Group “Food for Justice: Power, Politics and Food Inequalities in a Bioeconomy”, participating in different knowledge and research exchange activities related to social-ecological changes in food and agriculture, social movements, and food justice.