Collaborative Project Spanish in Europe
New publication on the demolinguistics of Spanish in Switzerland
Among the latest results of the collaborative international project on Spanish in Europe (more) is the publication of the second volume of the collection "El Español en Europa". This volume deals with the demolinguistics of Spanish in Switzerland and includes an appendix on Spanish in Liechtenstein. The authors include Johannes Kabatek, Yoselin Henriques Pestana, and Charlotte Defrance (University of Zurich), as well as Charlotte Blattner, a doctoral student at HCIAS and a scholar of the Landesgraduiertenförderung of the Land Baden Württemberg (more). The publication is available free of charge at the Centro Virtual Cervantes.
Kabatek, J., Henriques Pestana, Y., Blattner, C. and Defrance, C. (2022): “Demolingüística del español en Suiza, con un anexo sobre el español en Liechtenstein”, Madrid: Instituto Cervantes.