
Heidelberg Center for Ibero-American Studies
Brunnengasse 1
69117 Heidelberg
+49 (0)6221 - 54 19337




Courses in Winter Term 2021/22
Recent Appearances in Media and Civil Society

Oct. 28, 2020: Podium discussion Digitaler Salon: Swipe for President at the Alexander von Humboldt Institute for Internet und Society, Berlin


Oct. 6, 2020: Presentation for the discussion round of the project “Be Part!” of the NGO "Tolerave" on the topic of Über Dark Sides und Bright Sides: Effekte der Nutzung sozialer Medien auf Einstellungen und Verhalten von Wähler*innen, Dresden

Recent Publications

Gagrcin, E., Porten-Cheé, P., Leissner, L., Emmer, M., & Jorring, L. (2022). What Makes a Good Citizen Online? The Emergence of Discursive Citizenship Norms in Social Media Environments. Social Media+Society, 8(1).


Vaughan, M., Vromen, A., Porten-Cheé, P., & Halpin, D. (2022). The Role of Novel Citizenship Norms in Signing and Sharing Online PetitionsPolitical Studies.

Role of Novel Citizenship Norms


Porten-Cheé, P., Kunst, M., Vromen, A., & Vaughan, M. (2021). The effects of narratives and popularity cues on signing online petitions in two advanced democracies. Information, Communication and Society.


Kunst, M.; Porten-Cheé, P.; Emmer, M.; Eilders, C. (2021, online first). Do “Good Citizens” fight hate speech online? Effects of solidarity citizenship norms on user responses to hate comments. Journal of Information Technology & Politics

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Jun.-Prof. Dr. Pablo Porten-Cheé

Publications and presentations


HCIAS Junior Professor
"Communication Studies and Information Society in Ibero-America"


Affiliation: Faculty of Modern Languages
Co-operation: Institute for Translation and Interpreting


Pablo Porten-Cheé is a communication researcher and earned his Ph.D. from the Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf studying the effects of media content on everyday face-to-face and online conversations. Since April, 2021, he is Junior Professor of Communication Studies at Heidelberg University with an emphasis on information societies in Latin America.

Pablo Porten-Cheé began his career in research at the Ilmenau University of Technology, contributed to communications research at the University Düsseldorf for several years and worked at the University of Zurich’s Department of Communication and Media Research. Before he joined Heidelberg University, he was a postdoc at Berlin’s Freie Universität at the Institute for Media and Communication Studies. He also led the research group “Digital Citizenship” at the Weizenbaum Institute for the networked society (WI). He is an associate researcher at the Weizenbaum Institute, as well as a project fellow for “NOHATE” (both funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research).


At the HCIAS, Pablo Porten-Cheé is focused primarily on online communication in Latin America and the effect it has on individuals. Dissatisfaction with democracy and the spread of misinformation online are two current challenges being faced by the somewhat fragile information societies of Latin America. His primary research interests are focused accordingly on how users react to misinformation in social media or how political narratives (such as online petitions) can motivate people to participate in politics. His research interests lean in towards the study of political communication under the conditions of a digitalized media world. His current projects deal in particular with the factors affecting political participation and opinion formation online.

Research projects

  • Political participation and media use of the Latin-American community in the US: In this collaborative project, under the direction of Prof. Alcides Velásquez (University of Kansas), the political participation and media use of members of the Latin-American community in the USA are being studied. The two objectives of this study are to shine a light on the conditions for political engagement in a growing community, as well as study and expand the knowledge on contextual repertoires in the study of communication (since 2021).
  • Digital Citizenship: The goal of this research program is to observe the long-term change in political participation under digital media conditions and takes interest in the ever-changing factors contributing to political participation on an individual level (esp. citizenship norms). This research program is led by Prof. Martin Emmer (FU Berlin/Weizenbaum Institute for the Networked Society) and is funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (since 2017).
  • Public discourse on the pandemic in Latin America. Awareness, understanding, and social attitudes – A case study on Argentina: The goal of this cooperative project is to analyze the socio-communicative dynamics of discourse on the COVID-19 pandemic in educational contexts in Argentina. In order to understand the discursive construction of social representations, both, the discourses on education produced by the media as well as the discourses of the educational institutions themselves and their political representatives are being studies.

Publications and presentations

Membership on Editorial Boards

Publications (selection)

  • Porten-Cheé, P. (2017) Anschlusskommunikation als Medienwirkung. Der Einfluss von Relevanz und Qualität von Medieninhalten auf das Gesprächsverhalten. Baden-Baden: Nomos.
Peer Reviewed Journal Contributions

Recent Presentations 

  • Gagrcin, E.; & Porten-Cheé, P. (2021, virtual). Informed Citizenship Meets Information Disorder: Ideals and Practices in Different Information Environments. International Communication Association Annual Conference, 27.-31. May.
  • Kunst, M.; Maier, D.; & Porten-Cheé, P. (2021, virtual). The emergence and persistence of online civic intervention as a discourse norm: A network simulation model. 3rd Weizenbaum Conference, Berlin, 17.-18. June.


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Latest Revision: 2022-05-05
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